Your thoughts and comments about Thirty Seconds in The Kingdom are

Book Letter Review


“I thoroughly enjoyed Thirty Seconds in the Kingdom!  For Christians, it is easy for us to become comfortable in our Faith and sometimes take it for granted.  The fact is, we are commanded to treat EVERYONE with love and to allow Christ’s love to shine through us.  We are not supposed to condemn others and isolate ourselves as Christians who “have it all figured out”.  This book very effectively challenges the reader to look inside themselves to how they are showing Christ’s love and what their priorities are.”

– Joshua R.E.


Thank you for sharing your experience! It was very touching and
inspiring. I feel this vision was a gift from God and what a wonderful
gift.  I hope one day we all can have “Thirty Seconds in the Kingdom”!


December 29, 2015

To Phil,

Just a note to let you know how pleased I was to receive your fascinating personalized book on your heavenly experience. Your expertise for writing shows how sincere you are about your divine visual happening. Your natural use of reason helped you attain the knowledge that God wished you to communicate. Your interpretation of your vision sounds very plausible.

I too feel we will be threatened with long religious wars but finally the celestial messenger of God will bring light, uplifting promises and divine Grace through the Holy Spirit. Yes, let us pray for world Peace and the Kingdom of God.  May you have many blessings from above.

Thank you for a very enjoyable reading!!

Bright blessings and peace,




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